How to Choose A Manufacturing Method For Low Volume Production

When developing a new product, the leap from design to production is one of the biggest challenges to overcome. With traditional manufacturing methods, even the simplest parts can require weeks of time and thousands of dollars in tooling costs. These costs may be prohibitive for small scale production of 100-1000 parts.

Fortunately, there are a number of options available which are more appropriate for smaller scale production.

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IKEA Offers Free 3D Printable Files To Make Its Products More Accessible For People With Disabilities

IKEA recently announced a project that uses 3D printing to help people with disabilities. The project is called ThisAbles and consists of a set of free 3D printable files that improve the usability of IKEA’s products for people with disabilities--for example, an adapter to make a light switch easier to operate, and a riser that raises a couch up by several inches.

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Daniel English